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Track 20: Speech Disorders

Track 20: Speech Disorders

Speech Disorders, Fluency Disorders, Voice Disorders, Language Disorders,Apraxia of Speech (Motor Speech Disorder), Dysarthria

Speech DisordersSpeech disorders refer to conditions that affect an individual’s ability to produce sounds, speak clearly, or communicate effectively. These disorders can impact speech production, fluency, voice, or the clarity of language. Speech disorders can result from a variety of causes, including neurological conditions, developmental issues, injury, or disease. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for improving communication skills and quality of life.

Articulation Disorders

Overview: These involve difficulties in producing speech sounds correctly. People with articulation disorders may substitute, omit, or distort sounds when speaking.

Fluency Disorders

Overview: Fluency disorders affect the flow of speech, often causing disruptions in smooth speech patterns.

Voice Disorders

Overview: Voice disorders are characterized by abnormalities in pitch, volume, quality, or resonance of the voice. The voice may sound hoarse, weak, or strained, making speech difficult to understand.